Event Details

Associations have witnessed a profound shift towards digital consumption, even as in-person activities resume. This workshop will explore the lasting impact of online education, uncovering fresh opportunities that can enhance an association's relevance, fortify its revenue streams, and ensure resilience in the face of future changes. Drawing from a range of association industries, our webinar will showcase compelling case studies.


  • Devi Mey (CEO of European Society for Organ Transplantation)

    Devi Mey

    CEO of European Society for Organ Transplantation

  • Lindsey Mancini (Senior Director, Events & Academy Services Department of UITP - Union Internationale des Transports Publics)

    Lindsey Mancini

    Senior Director, Events & Academy Services Department of UITP - Union Internationale des Transports Publics

  • Volker Andresen (Director, Sustainability Service of IFA)

    Volker Andresen

    Director, Sustainability Service of IFA